Wednesday, March 28, 2018



ところで、税金の申告済まされましたか? 我が家は、もう少しで、完了です。シングルでいた時と違い、結婚して、少し複雑になり、不動産購入によってさらに、複雑になり、贈与、相続などなどもそろそろ、考慮に入れるようになると、さらに複雑です。涙。


まず、ベースとなる、1%のうち、42%が、カウンティーの公立学校運営に使われています。18%が、不動産が属する市の様々なサービス、25%がカウンティー内の特別地域ーアラメダの場合は、BART、ACTransit、 EBMUDなどなど。残りの15%がカウンティーないの社会福祉、公園、道路などの公共施設などに使われているようです。

不動産価格が上がる中、もちろん、不動産税も、バカになりませんね。が、その税金が、社会のために役に立っているのであれば、致し方ないでしょうか? 特に教育はとても大切な科目です。

The tax return day is approaching the tax return day.  It's  April 17 this year.  I started late this year but collected all the necessary documents to tackle this work. While I am cleaning up my desk, I found this information from Alameda County Assessor and wanted to share with you since I've never read this before though I have been paying property tax in Oakland for over 10 years. 

Do you know where your property tax go? 

When you look at your tax bill, you see it's called the base 1% in the middle of your bill. This 1% of your payment goes to:

42%:  schools and community colleges within the County to fund education.

18%: cities within the County to fund a variety of services

25%: special districts within the County, including the redevelpment agent, BART, AC Transit and EBMUD to fund thoese agencies, housing, etc.,

15%: Alameda County itself, wich mostly goes to public protection and social services; also public works, parks, and general government

On the left of the tax bil, in the box titled TAx-Rate Breakdown, directly below the 1% County wide Tax, are enumerated the voter-approved initiatives. On the top right of the bill, are the fixed charges and/or special assessments, which goes to specific purposes and are different, depending on your jurisdiction. Please be aware that seniors may qualify for exemptions for some of these.

So, if your property's assessed value is $1M,  $4,200 goes to support County's education, $1,800 goes to your city's service, $2,500 goes to agencies in special districts, $1,000 to the County itself, etc., etc.,

Now you know how your property tax is helping your community.

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Friday, March 16, 2018

39 Sheridan Rd Oakland - JUST LISTED



オークランドの高級住宅地にあります、39 Sheridan Rd 本日より、売り出し開始です。



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