Thursday, January 17, 2013

Do you have a loft in your home? (素敵なロフトのご紹介。)

Do you have a space called loft in your home?   Here are some interesting loft spaces!

Eclectic Family Room design by Burlington Photographer Susan Teare, Professional Photographer
This is a very clean space. You could use it as a meditation room. クリーンな感じで,メディテーションが出来そうですね。

Here vivid colors are used to make the room super fun!  In addition, there is a ladder to go up to the sleeping area and a pole to go down to the TV room.  What a fun for kids! こちらは,子供達が喜ぶようなプレイルーム/子供部屋/TVルームですね。ロフトエリアが寝室になっていて,階段で登って,登り棒でおりるという,楽しいお部屋です。

Modern Kids design by Atlanta Architect Kemp Hall Studio
This space is very calming in neutral colors. The loft can be used as a story time room. Having a quiet cozy place for reading is one of the best ways to let kids expand their imagination and of course reading skills! このお部屋はロフト部分をストーリタイム(読書)に使っているようです。読書をする場所をつくるのは小さいお子さんのいるお家にはとても重要なことです。本が好きな子供に育てる一つの手段です。

Modern Bedroom design by New York Architect Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture
I love it!  It is a relaxing space for adults. これは、おとなのリラックス寝室です。お家のどの部屋も、目的をつくるととても素敵な空間になります。

Spaces design by New York Interior Designer Perianth Interior Design/ Buy My Eye
This is the pick by my son.  He thinks that he stays in this room for many days without getting board.  おちの息子の最も気に入った子供部屋。ロッククライミングの壁,ボクシング、そして、バスケットボールのコートとゴールまで備えたこのお部屋。

And here is my loft. We have a huge skylight that brings us lots of lots of sunlight. During the night, we can enjoy stars!  さて、家のロフトをご紹介しましょう。大きな天窓が特徴です。今は,余り目的なしの空間なのですが,今模様替え中。どうしましょうか?


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